
Charlie Yoga
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Comparison + Success Stories + Quick Fixes + Overwhelmed

When I open the Medium page, I quickly hover my mouse to my profile to write my story, without reading all the amazing articles on my main home page. But I always inadvertently read one title or two. Today was something along the lines of “This 26–29ish sth year old build a $1 billion sth program”.

Before these recent times, maybe 1–3 years ago, I used to consume many of those stories on all platforms. A did this amazing things, plus all tonnes of magic quick fixes. It even landed a lot on YT videos, lines like those magical morning routines. Successful person do this and that habit. And the best line of them all, THIS ONE/TWO THINGS CHANGED MY LIFE. I think I’m jumping from a lot of articles, but the main thing is, all the stories about improving yourself, a lot of self-help too of course.

So, along the way, I read/listen/watched tonnes of it, so much but at the same time, I didn’t do/apply most of it and my life didn’t change into anything better. And adding all those up, consuming them gradually made me super extra miserable instead.

Therefore these days, I tend, or at least try to, avoid those contents. Even though algorithm still thinks I need to see those stuff…

Moving on to the next related topic, which is the overflowing abundance of good content. With an extra sauce of Podcast wave in the last 1–2 years, know we have really countless, tonnes of content to consume. And in my experience, I have this overwhelming feeling of wanting to consume them all, and afraid of missing the good stuff. Of course it’s irrational, as the content out there is just bottomless. And with this unlimited choices, again, it also paralyses me of picking which one to consume. If I listen to this one hr podcast, I’d be ignoring other 10 other good podcasts. Which one should I choose? What if this one is no good and I’ll be wasting my “pr3ci0us” time?

In the same way, with streaming service like Netflix, choice paralysis also creeps in here every time I want to watch a movie. These silly mental processes are tiring my brain.

That’s it for today, thanks for reading, ciao!

